Sunday, 30 November 2014


I feel like iv'e abandoned my blog over the past month or so but i'm back now and it has given me a chance to plan a whole load of posts to do over the next month and the run up to Christmas, i'm going to have a lot to talk about and i'm excited to get back into the swing of things!

Anyway today i wanted to kick off by doing a review on a face mask that i have recently purchased and have absolutely fallen in love with, the face mask everybody is talking about the 'glam glow' clearing treatment. 
I purchased mine from feel unique for £39.99 after hearing a lot of good things about it. 

So where do i begin? this face mask claims to deal with pores, problem skin, blemishes, pimples, breakouts, zits, spots, blackheads & whiteheads. razor bumps and in-grown hair. Everything i need! 

Once applied the mask will start to dry, feeling tight and slightly tingly, which tells me its doing it job! As you can see from my close up it really gets to work drawing out the clogged up oils in your pores to the surface, and removing unnecessary oils from zits and blemishes.

You may think that after 20 minuets of having a dry face mask on your skin would feel dry when you washed it off too, but in fact it leaves your skin feeling smooth to touch, refreshed and clean. My pored where visibly smaller and any redness around my blemishes had pretty much gone. 

Another thing i love about this product is that you can use it just as a spot treatment too, so if you don't feel like you need to treat your whole face. just dab a small amount on a spot or problemed area and let it get to work.

I'd say this face mask is definitely worth the investment if you are looking for something that will cover pretty much any problem you may have with your skin, You really are paying for good quality with this one!

Hope this helped!

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